Monday, April 02, 2007


黑夜到天明, 在今天太阳升起前, 不就像是部电影... (Lyrics from 梁靜茹's Sunrise)
My handphone inexplicably set itself to an hour faster, and promptly proceeded to wake me up an hour earlier too. But never mind for a while, because I woke up with such a view right in front of me... then it's back under the sheets again ZZzzZZzz...

There's something to be due everyday! What exciting life~! I just keep running... and walking... and see how lor... gas tank close to empty but running on energy from the heavens and stars... =)

The kite is getting precariously close to some trees, and the wind isn't doing any favours... still trying to keep it flying with hands, feet, tools... OH! maybe I left out trying to fly it with my teeth~! Keep on flying high!


Anonymous said...

who or what is ur kite referring to?? share with me leh. i m kaypo!! hahaha

Anonymous said...

forgot to say i am elaine. lol using my bro's a/c hahaha.