Saturday, December 01, 2007

My Char Siew Bao!

Never knew a lonkang can look this spectacular! This is a feed drain into Lower Pierce Reservior, and it looks like those white-water rapids machiam seen in New Zealand tourist brochures haha! Nice to sit on the side listening to the sounds of gushing water. When leaving the place, the transition from the ferocity of the water noise to peaceful forest sounds of crickets and birds seemed surreal, such is the contrast. Quite special~

Crashed twice at BT trail today, a record number of crashes in one day in a long long time. Really lacked exercise, been lazy these couple of weeks, lack of sleep is another excuse... my second crash was pretty spectacular! I was getting over-confident after managing to go through a twisty and rough downhill section without braking, following some techniques that I saw in a biking video, until I tried to repeat it on the next section. I hit some loose rocks while turning and got thrown over my handlebars; sprained my right hand and brazed my left arm while trying to break my fall, and banged my shin on the same rocks which downed me in the first place. Quite funny to see this aunty who saw me crash in front of her, and continued to pluck her leaves, while I laid down to groan for a couple of minutes... I limped home with this little char siew pao on my shin. Definitely not my first though... Nice to crash once in a while, it's Nature's way of showing who's the big boss~ This crash made me late for ZW's and Marshal's birthday dinner, luckily those old boys didn't get mad at all... I discovered how nice HK ice yuan yang is! Not too late at all~!


~Wonder Wood~ said...

Lower peirce reservior is SUPER NEAR my hse can! like 2 mins walk? i used to run there super often~ and the monkeys are like.. ample supply!

Be careful as you cycle kays!!

Kelvin said...

Roger Wonder Wood~!
Okie IA's over and very soon we'll be living our student's life yet again... I'm sure happy times will return then~! =)