Quite busy week for me, even though my main project for the year has been completed... so many little little errants to catch up... super tired and low motivation... feeling too tired to even go for my cherished biking and running sessions...
Met up with the FD Shooters for the Vivo anniversary fireworks. Had a meeting with my STK supervisor in the morning, which he had to evaluate me and sign my confirmation letter, then he asked me to join the Triz course he's in charge of. The course on only 3 days later! But anyway, the shooting went quite ok, apart from my photos which looked quite cropped on the sides... I want to try better again next time!!
Playing with longer shutters this time around, some pics came up nice, but many came up quite over-exposed... Try again next time!! Note: Must remember to bring tripod mount for shoots! =p
My Triz course friends, all strangers prior to the trip. But after a trek in knee deep mud, sitting through an afternoon of lessons, we sort of became quite ok friends, especially after a few beers... =)
It's really nice to be having the chance to go to Mawai Eco Camp on a company-paid trip =D
I quite enjoyed the kampung lifestyle, if only the snoring beside me at night wasn't there...~