Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Haven't blogged in a while...
Quite tired with the constant report & proposal writing at work, trying hard to sell my ideas during the project lull period, while I wait for my hardware to come back online, and then I have to start clearing all the bad debts accumulated during the last 5 weeks of system downtime...

I do look forward to going out to take photos on the weekends though... the recent weather hasn't been good for biking. Just as well, it's also nice to go out, soak in the chill and peace of the early morning jungle. Especially after every 5 shitty days...

MacRitchie is my newest jungle home. The recent weather also made many fungi subjects for me to try out!

Looks good enough to eat!

"R-21"... Fly mating in progress!

Fat spider, with tiny tiny eyes...

My favourite subjects are these jumping spiders. I love how their soulful eyes can be! Although it's a big big challenge to snap pictures when they're always busy hopping about!

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