Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ah Tan drinks~!

Ah Tan is drinking alcohol for the 1st time hahas, for real~!

Shit is still un-abatedly falling in chunks over at Kelvin-Land... And it's getting a little too much to continue on with shit falling onto tired shoulders... Walking just for the sake of walking~ Slogging for the sake of survival~

Taken with a new handphone with 3.2Mpixs... Singtel's 50% off monthly subscription plan seemed good, while the $0 Sony Ericksson phone just got me sold on the deal... If only I can get the MMS and Internet working... Anyway let's cheers =p~

1 comment:

Jason's corner said...

Orh hor...sek sek drink alcohol!hahas...XDD...came by tagged^^