Sunday, January 24, 2010

Super tired week... So happy it's the weekend! Until seeing that it's coming to end... It's as though I'm living for the weekends... No, I am living for the weekends! Only to see myself sometimes too tired to fully exploit my weekends... Shits it's Monday again...

A pair of Golden Orb Web Spiders, with the tiny red male, as compared to the huge female! Spotted on a busy track near Henderson Waves bridge... I feel like I'm the little insignificant red guy, treading on the sticky web of politics & relations, with huge omnipotent giants ready to swallow me whole at any one time... Or am I just being spider-ish? Hope it's just me, blurred me...

A very busy caterpillar who thinks he's a choo-choo-train! Spotted on the railings on Mt Faber...

A pretty caterpillar also travelling on the railing, who also thinks he's a choo-choo-train! Life as simple as it gets; eat-sleep-grow... Nice haha!!

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