Saturday, August 19, 2006

Life.... sian chi phua....

2 weeks of lectures and tutorials had since past, and it's still just the start, that is the fun of labs and tutorials and quizes are still not factored in yet.... only starting from now....

First lab session of the semester, formal report due in 2 weeks.... not that hard though except that I have to power over the hurdle of my lerthargic laziness and the myriad of temptations that yearn for a share of my attention....
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Received my personalised lab coat this morning, this is it before it starts to turn yellow and get stained with unknown-and-never-will-be liquids or powders....
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Taken on the bus ride home after an 11-hour day in school.... just after some rain and the temperature in the bus would be able to make a woolly mammoth shiver....
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