Thursday, October 12, 2006

The awakening, after the haze....

The '3-piece-super-value-meal' of 3 back-to-back quizes of 3 different subjects in 3 hours is finally down the sewer and history (till the results are announced that is...), not after giving me indigestion, vomiting of several quarts of blood and sleepy, lazy, barely-openable eyes. And no, it's not the gastric flu virus currently terrorising school kids that is causing this...

Ah... the refreshing feel of cranking pedals chasing after SBS buses burning up the dark, empty, still warm tarmac, and terrorising the kitties hiding by the bushes... West Coast Park is still not done upgrading after 2 years? of digging-up and filling-back-in... but it's the nearest place where I can get to smell the sea breeze, *sniff! Why can't the air smell as fresh as the night air all the time?

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给你我的手 像温柔野兽
一起郊游 今天别想太多....

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