Friday, February 06, 2009

Out of curiosity, tried out this free sample karma reading on an online horoscope website. Found that it is rather scary, because I personally feel that it is rather true... maybe those who know me can help me see if this is the case too?

This was what the website gave me for my previous lives' background:

In a prior life, Kelvin Loke, you were a complete free spirit, letting the wind take you wherever you wanted to go, without concern for others. You traveled far on spiritual or philosophical quests, gaining knowledge wherever you went. Your thirst for knowledge for a number of lifetimes has left you unfocused. You see all of possibilities, Kelvin Loke, but can not see the whole picture. If you can see a complete picture, you have difficulty seeing yourself in relationship to it. You have possibly spent lifetimes as a religious mystic, philosopher, academic or even a transient. There is a tendency to spread yourself so thin that your constant activities keep you from determining your purpose in this life.

This is the summarized sample reading, need to pay for the full text, but maybe it's not a good idea to know too much too. Maybe those who want to try out this website can ask me for the address, then we'll see if it's really karma reading or bull-shitting haha~! But no worries, we all do know to take all this with a pinch of salt, or two, or three pinches of salt, maybe add a little pepper as well~ =p

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