Monday, April 06, 2009

I've learnt some new words today from a Facebook quiz! The meanings from Wikipedia:

The 'Personality Plus' personality profiles

Choleric: This is the commander-type. Cholerics are dominant, strong, decisive, stubborn and even arrogant.
Melancholy: This is the mental-type. Their typical behaviour involves thinking, assessing, making lists, evaluating the positives and negatives, and general analysis of facts.
Sanguine: This is the social-type. They enjoy fun, socialising, chatting, telling stories - and are fond of promising the world, because that's the friendly thing to do.
Phlegmatic: This is the flat-type. They are easy going, laid back, nonchalant, unexcitable and relaxed. Desiring a peaceful environment above all else.

I'm a Phlegmatic, as what the quiz says of me and what I thought I'm closest to... Apparently I'll be attracted to the Choleric type of girls, hmm... let's see if this will be true, not that I really know of any of such girls yet...

Man, I was really tormented last night, by a pesky mosquito! She was like toying with me, giving little bites all over me without settling her fill with just one big bite! Kept me half-awake all through the night... even with me sweating out under my blanket, with the fan switched on to the max naively with hope that it'll blow her off hahahaha!!!

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