Friday, January 04, 2008

Back in Business!

Surprise surprise, pleasant surprise! I was looking through my toolbox, for a couple of stuff to put on my Bike No. 2, when I stumbled upon an innocent-looking ZipLoc bag of nuts and bolts... and found a pair of old crank screws from my old bike! And most importantly, they fit pretty nicely into my Bike No. 1's cranks despite being of different brands and different ball bearing systems! Bike 1's back in business!

Spent a little time reflecting on reality - Classes start again next week, after a good 7 month hiatus... Long enough to make it feel uncomfortable to be back in classes again. These 7 months had been a life-changing experience, albeit on a relatively minor-scale... partly from the attachment experience, largely from the many human characters in my life during this time period. I enjoyed the amount of free time that I had, doing stuff that I had wanted to do since ages ago - most crucially, I had the time to think about stuff, and have people around to stimulate my thoughts and accompany me on this thinking journey. Among the wilderness ahead, the road beckons~

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