Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Yet another sleepless night... I tried to go to bed early (about 12am~), felt thirsty so had some water, went back onto bed~ felt hungry so I had a snack, and went back to bed~ had some wild thoughts running through my head so woke up and flipped through a book, went back under the blanket~ felt warm so I took off my shirt and switched on the fan, lied back down again sans blanket this time~ Still too warm, so woke up walked around the house aimlessly and repacked my bag again for tomorrow, and decided to switch on my computer, at the glorious time of 2am, a good 2 hours after I went to bed, and out, and in, and out, in, and out...~ Ok, time to try sleeping again, if there is another post right after this, then it's back to square one~

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