Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Saturday~

Biked to Labrador Park on this Saturday evening... I just love to be near the sea... I love the sound of waves, and the fresh sea breeze... I love the excitment of seeing fishes and other sea creatures in the water... Totally relaxing... I really pity those NS army guys who are stationed here, and at many coastal locations around the island, day and night, 24/7, just for a certain Mr Mas Selamat... Heck I really don't see Mr Selamat getting caught anytime soon, with these NS guys here or not... To these NS guys' credit, they really do present a good image to the public, by not doing anything else stupid, despite the boredom of spending days in the midst of boredom, no radio no entertainment nothing, sitting and watching, surrounded by people having fun... that, to me, it's a job well done already~

Labrador Beach gives beautiful sunsets every time I've been there~

My bike's back tire just exploded out of sudden, out of no apparant reason... The blast toppled several bottles of bike oil and polish wax 30cm away from it, and nearly blew out my right eardrum as well... My right ear's still ringing as I'm typing this post! Hope my neighbours don't start calling the police to report a gunshot that they've just heard... So strange, after 9 years of cycling, this is the first time that I've experienced, or even heard of any bike tires self-exploding when parked at home! My tires' are rated for 100psi... Hmmm maybe I need to check if my inner tubes are rated for 100psi as well... Just in case I better release some air from the surviving front tire~

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