Sunday, May 24, 2009

Finally couldn't stand it anymore and took the plunge to wheel my old but still so pretty Giant to the bikeshop to get it back into ridable shape (bikeshop uncle also commented on how pretty my Giant frame was! My Easton Magnesium stem too! So proud me!!!), required a new SLX crankset and rear D. This means I'll be able to ride my trails again next weekend yeah!! I couldn't take it watching the Mountain Bike World Cup every week online, and seeing all the beautiful photos of people riding in magazines, and about half-year off the trails is so torturing! At least I'm spending the money originally set aside for my diving course... 

This will be just an interim move though, I'm eyeing the red Eclipse hardtail hanging off the ceiling of CycleMax! Ferrari red with huge frame tubes and shapely curves, just like how I like women to be! And it's not crazy expensive at all! Drool... Apparently the uncle got it from my favourite Uncle Ah Chai, so I'll probably go down to BikeLabz to have him to build it up for me, when I have the dough that is hahaha! I'll then save up some more dough to see if it's worth revitalising my Giant with some choice parts upgrades, if not then it will probably be left as it is or stripped apart and put down into cold storage...

CycleMax in Bukit Batok Central is also good! Although it looks totally unassuming, no nice cabinet of bike fetish jewellery, the walls and floor are just plain cement! But the uncle does bring in wonderful stuffs, and the uncle does know and love bikes too! And he's a friend of Ah Chai too! That makes him my friend too heh! Good to have a nice friendly bikeshop so near my place for my little bike needs =)

My mum's already questioning why I'm having 2 bikes, if she knows I'm planning for a third one, she'll probably go into more interrogation-mode! But my third one's my motivation and entry ticket into XC racing again, so it's more than just another bike for me... And at least I have lesser bikes than my sisters have shoes and bags... =p

My Giant's now awaiting revival at CycleMax, should be done by tomorrow. Excited!!!

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