Sunday, May 17, 2009

Went for drinks with my Cold Spray research team at the old Bukit Timah firestation. Great great place. Surely I'll be back soon, love the place, service, atmosphere, and big big mugs of Hoegarden! And it's just a few bus stops away from home! Away from the seriousness of work, the guys were a great bunch to hang with. Even Prof Philip from UniSIM, who is so totally cool for a guy as old as my own parents! He's in a totally different league from the profs currently in MSE (by the way Prof Philip was formerly a prof from MSE until 2003), in terms of personality and knowledge on thermal sprays. How nice if he were to be around when I was doing my IA and FYP... haiz... Will miss my mentor Siaoming when he leaves on Tuesday too... I love Prof Philip's zhnged-upped Subaru Legacy too!! Man it's the first time I felt the effortlessness to get up to crazy speeds of the 2.5L turbo and 4WD!!! And he drives in Manual mode with the steering wheel paddle-shift too! So cool! I want a Subaru too!!!

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