Thursday, May 14, 2009

I hate waking up at 5.30-6.30am every morning, depending on where I report for work. Compared to the school exam period when I seem to be operating closer to a European timezone, it's like jetlag every morning when I wake up for work. Feel totally bad whenever I have heavy eyelids during the tedious theory training sessions with my mentor in the mornings.

Next week will be my crunch week, where I can foresee my ego, self-confidence, and spirit undergoing the toughest test yet since the interview with my big boss. Next Tuesday, my mentor will be leaving for Australia for his Phd, leaving me to fight the war after just 7 days of super intensive training, on just my 7th day at work. I'm already expecting myself to be totally lost for awhile, and expecting some scolding and nagging and comparisons. I need to win over all the contacts of my mentor, retain them, and then try to build on them as time goes. I'm seriously lacking confidence and competence in C programming and Maths, and they're among my biggest worries among other worries. Life's a total 90-180 degrees different from my life just a week ago. Man, I really need to release some hot air by this weekend, or I'll blow up like a pufferfish on viagra...

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