Monday, June 15, 2009

Went to Fish's concert at KL. Never regreted being there. Despite the crazy journey from the KL budget airport to the hotel, and from the hotel to the indoor stadium. I'll never ever complain about the layout and infrastructure of our public transport system again!

The brilliance of having an excellant audience! The spectacular sight of so so many lightsticks and blinking lights really draws the heart, mind and soul into the essense of purely enjoying the concert.

The "Fish" carnival atmosphere outside the stadium is something of an eye-bursting experience for me...

Emo Wei~~ Cheer up bro!

Suffered this almost catastrophic failure of my hip/spinal cord on the morning after the concert. I was already carrying a back strain beforehand, and I already knew something wasn't quite right when I couldn't do even 1 situp while trying to train for IPPT last Thursday. But I didn't expect my back to give way, especially in KL, when I didn't do anything strenous at all, apart from all the walking. The trip back from KL was total hell. Especially going up and down the stairs. And the several bumps on my back by other people. Really felt like my spine's hammering straight into my hip, bone against bone. Luckily, all's much much much much better today after some good rest and sleeping.

Learnt so much more about myself from this trip to hell and back. I now know I have an old spinal injury when I was really young, and this had caused one of my bones around the L5 spinal region to be slightly displaced. This explains why I had always felt spinal pain when I do situps on hard surfaces, when I stand for long periods during army parades, and sometimes when I wake up in the mornings. This also made me susceptible to slipped discs and other back issues. But nobody has ever pointed this out, even during my NS checkup! Somemore the army sent me into Artillery! The x-ray has shown up a suspected stress fracture of a small bone around my L5 region! Just did some research on spondylolysis with my sister, who is studying occupational physiotherapy. Went through my x-rays too. Really seemed to have this little broken part. Will go down to company to get a specialist referral, I don't want it to get any worse! I still have many years of cycling to go!

*Thanks to all the guys who had shown their care and concern to me! Special thanks to Thomas and Huimin who went beyond the extra miles to help and care for me. Love you all!*

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