Thursday, December 11, 2008

Every time I operate my DC plasma spray, I seem to get irritated eyes, especially on my right eye... I use a welder's face shield whenever I look into the flame, plus I am wearing a full-face, controlled-atmosphere head mask, so any chances of powder getting into my eyes is ruled out. Maybe my contact lenses might be causing something that I am unaware of, maybe it amplifies some frequency of light that is causing my eye irritation? But why only on my right eye? And I always seem to require a few days of good, heavy sleeping to kill off the fatigue from one day of DC plasma operation? Why is that? Man, my 42km overnight marathon recovery time was only 2 days lor! Strange, I'm wondering if the machine has some unknown, unstated effects on the human body...~

Oh dear... I'm suddenly in the mood for love, after watching episode after episode of <<翻滾吧!蛋炒飯>>, after immersing myself into the show and suffering repeated and alternating scenes of heartbreak and sweet joyous lovey-durvey... Haiz.... Anyway, I'm up to Episode 5 le yay~!

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